2150 is an ANIMATED FEATURE FILM - it’s Shawshank Redemption meets The Matrix, then mix in Love, Death & Robots.

In the future, convicts are sent to a lunar prison to work and die.  When two innocent men arrive they have to become friends, overcome their harsh reality and escape back to earth.


2150 is proud to present JENSEN ACKLES to voice the lead character, DEAKINS.  JENSEN is currently starring in the CW’s international sensation SUPERNATURAL, which is in production on its 15th and final season.  As the longest running, prime-time American sci-fi show in history, SUPERNATURAL has expanded its universe to include a comic book series, anime series, novel series and a spin-off show.  With a loyal fan base, SUPERNATURAL is also syndicated in over 176 countries and 29 languages around the world.